Symptoms and treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis

Compared with similar pathologies that affect adjacent segments, the incidence of thoracic osteochondrosis is much lower. This is due to the enhancement effect of the chest-the strong and flexible frame made of ribs supports the intervertebral joints well. Even if osteochondrosis develops in this part, it rarely reaches the advanced stage. The ribs partially relieve the load on the cartilage discs and prevent them from collapsing under strong and prolonged stress.

Osteochondrosis of the chest usually develops in men-they naturally have to do more difficult and harmful work. However, if a woman is in similar working conditions, then her risk of developing osteochondrosis will be greatly increased. Women’s ligaments and muscles are naturally more flexible and malleable, thus protecting the weaker sex from degenerative chest injuries.

In contrast, in adult men, all movable joints have "ossification"-first, this change is observed in the intercostal joints. Therefore, the clinical manifestations gradually develop because it is related to the slow damage of the joints between the ribs and vertebrae. The earlier a person determines the first symptoms of sternal osteochondrosis, the better the effect and the shorter the subsequent treatment time.


Even without minor manifestations, chest osteochondrosis rarely occurs, but in the early stages, patients usually do not notice the signs of this disease at all. Any discomfort is attributed to long-term fatigue, which is caused by long hours of work or uncomfortable posture. However, the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are insidious-evolving.

In other words, under the influence of any external factors, the progress of performance does not happen gradually, but suddenly. Their development is restricted by a certain mechanism in the joints between the vertebrae and ribs:

  • During a person's lifetime, the mobility of the chest decreases-this is caused by the thickening of the connective tissue that connects adjacent bones.
  • Under long-term heavy load, metabolites will accumulate in it, resulting in damage to the "soft" structures (ligaments and cartilage).
  • In the intercostal joints, they began to be replaced by bone tissue, and the bone tissue formed small growth products at the defect site.
  • First, these spines start to stimulate the nerve roots that appear in the nearby spinal cord. From the impact on them, the surrounding muscles undergo reflex contraction-spasm.
  • By reducing the flexibility and elasticity of the chest cavity, the impairment of mobility can be exacerbated. According to these changes, the nutrition of the surrounding tissues will change as the blood supply drops.
  • A vicious circle is gradually formed-impaired blood flow makes the soft tissues lose the possibility of rapid recovery. If the load continues to work, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine will gradually develop.

The rate of progression of the disease depends on the severity of the destructive factors and the body's capabilities-in most patients, the disease is still in its early stages until old age.

First level

Low back pain and sternal osteochondrosis

In the early stages, it is difficult to establish sternal osteochondrosis-the symptoms of the disease are still too non-specific. Most patients miss the first stage of the disease and only see a doctor when they have severe symptoms. However, if you are cautious about your health, you can easily identify pathological signs:

  1. As the soft tissues are compressed in the joint area between the ribs and the vertebrae, their flexibility and elasticity are reduced. Therefore, when stretching or exercising, there will be pain and tightness between the chest blades, which occurs between the shoulder blades.
  2. A similar sound can be heard on the clavicle or sternum, where the cartilage and connective tissue also thicken.
  3. Together with them, the flexibility of the shoulder strap is disturbed, which manifests itself as difficulty in keeping the hands behind. It becomes difficult for the patient to perform some exercises-scratch his back and put the shoulder bring bones together.
  4. There is discomfort in any part of the chest, but the area between the shoulders is more common. It is in this part that most of the nerve roots coming out of the spinal cord are highlighted.
  5. The resistance to prolonged physical work and maintaining posture is reduced-a feeling of back fatigue will soon appear.
  6. Decreased breathing depth-When you try to breathe deeply, you observe that breathing is restricted.

At this stage, since irreversible changes in the soft tissues of the joint area have not yet formed, the disease can be safely treated at home.

Second degree

Pain in chest osteochondrosis

Although the influence of negative factors still exists, the symptoms of sternal osteochondrosis begin to worsen-patients usually seek help at this stage. The disease begins to severely restrict a person's activities-symptoms are disturbed not only during work, but also during rest periods. Their occurrence is related to the formation of continuous changes that lead to the ossification of the rib-vertebral joint:

  1. Pain is the result of nerve root compression, which has emerged in the symptoms. It has some functions-burning or shooting characters, postures related to sports activities or uncomfortable for a long time.
  2. Unpleasant sensations are usually identified between the shoulder blades, and these sensations spread from them along the direction of the ribs. Pain impulse is always unilateral.
  3. The intensity of this symptom depends entirely on the movement of the trunk or breathing-even if the breathing is calm, an increase in pain will be observed.
  4. The persistence of the disease and symptoms is different from ordinary intercostal neuralgia-in the first case, the pain syndrome disappears spontaneously and quickly (within a few minutes). Thoracic osteochondrosis is characterized by the duration of pain-they are continuous and only decrease at rest.
  5. The discomfort and stiffness of the chest increase, leading to a decrease in exercise endurance. For patients, it becomes more difficult to perform tasks related to prolonged stress.

At home, it is almost impossible to eliminate symptoms at this stage-they try to use long-term medication combined with physical therapy procedures for treatment.

Three degrees

Pain between the shoulders of sternal osteochondrosis

In the final stage of the disease, the joints between the ribs and vertebrae deform strongly. This puts pressure on the surrounding blood vessels and nerves, and these blood vessels and nerves reach the internal organs. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease have another pathological feature:

  1. Pain syndrome persists, with strong and continuous characteristics. Even at rest, low back pain between the shoulder blades and along the ribs can bother the patient, which is related to the constant pressure on the nerve roots.
  2. There are areas of low sensitivity on the abdomen and chest-they look like stripes along the ribs. They are characterized by numbness, tingling or "crawling".
  3. Periodic reflex cramps of the abdominal muscles, accompanied by discomfort.
  4. As the nerves of internal organs are involved in this process, symptoms of failure may occur. Angina pectoris, false attacks of liver or kidney colic are often observed, and they can mimic diseases of similar organs.
  5. Osteochondrosis of the chest usually leads to the formation of irritable bowel syndrome-a disease of the digestive tract, and no cause was found during the examination.

If the patient persists with this degree of disease, then even long-term treatment will not be able to permanently get rid of the symptoms. Supportive therapy will only reduce the signs of this disease, which are firmly rooted in the thoracic spine.


How is sternal osteochondrosis treated? The strategy of assistance is based on the duration of the disease-the more obvious the symptoms, the more stages of treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. Despite frequent difficulties in prescribing medications, many patients still want to receive all treatment procedures at home. The patient does not want to waste the extra time he needs to go to the hospital or clinic.

In addition, it is rare to take sick leave due to this disease, which forces people to quickly withdraw from activities that have already started. After feeling improved, the new patient resumed his usual activities. However, incomplete treatment of breast osteochondrosis can lead to rapid recovery of previous symptoms. Therefore, patients who are too "busy" can perform certain procedures at home-mainly because they will not give up the work they have started.

at home

When all changes in the spine are reversible, you can only do it in the early stages of the disease without going to the hospital. Through some measures, it is possible to eliminate muscle cramps, which are the causes of manifestations:

  • It is necessary to change the rest area-the bed, on which the soft tissues of the spine can be restored during sleep. For this, you need to make it harder and buy an orthopedic mattress to eliminate the wrong position of your back.
  • For any activity, you need to use spinal support-a soft corset that can capture the lumbar and thoracic regions. It should be worn regularly at work and can only take off when resting or sleeping.
  • It is recommended to use warm ointment to eliminate symptoms. Before the upcoming load, apply them between the shoulder blades to artificially heat the muscles.
  • You need to develop good habits-exercise at home after waking up. In addition, there is no need to operate only in the morning-for any discomfort in your back, you need to spend a few minutes to warm up.
  • You need to change your eating habits and increase the content of vegetables and fruits in your diet-the vitamins they contain slow down the destruction of connective tissue.

It is recommended that patients who have enough free time do physical exercise-walking or swimming.


Drugs for chest osteochondrosis

With the development of obvious signs, the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis begins with the help of drugs. They enable you to eliminate pain and other manifestations that interfere with normal activities:

  • First, prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effects. They inhibit the destruction process of soft tissues, which inevitably leads to the formation of bone outgrowth.
  • Muscle relaxants-drugs that eliminate painful muscle contractions are also used. Their use can restore the flexibility and mobility of the chest.
  • In addition, a complex of vitamins is prescribed, which is intended to protect nerve tissue. They allow you to quickly restore the root of the spinal cord under stress.
  • Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be used in cream form, applied between the shoulder blades. But they are usually only combined with drugs to ensure synergy.

The course of medication usually lasts 2 to 3 weeks, and then the patient is transferred to home treatment.


Surgical treatment of sternal osteochondrosis

Surgical treatment is usually used when the drugs are ineffective. Moreover, interventions are not always radical in nature:

  • The most commonly used blocking method is to introduce the drug directly into the lesion with a needle. Local anesthetics are usually used to relieve symptoms. After the operation, the effect lasted for several days.
  • The blockade with the help of glucocorticoids is more effective-a treatment effect that can last for several weeks. The composition contains hormones that inhibit the inflammatory process in the application area.
  • In the most severe cases, surgery is required to remove the deformed areas of the joints between the ribs and vertebrae. In this way, the pressure on the nerve roots and blood vessels can be eliminated, thereby eliminating most manifestations.

Surgical correction does not completely cure the disease, but only makes the patient's condition easier. Therefore, after any operation, conservative treatment is needed to slow down the progression of the disease.


Elimination of the main symptoms of osteochondrosis does not mean the end of treatment. During the period after treatment, the patient will receive restorative measures:

  1. In the initial stage, a reflexive procedure was specified. Electrophoresis and voice input methods, UHF and laser can eliminate the reflex muscle contractions of the thoracic spine.
  2. Then began more active procedures-massage, therapeutic exercise. They help strengthen the muscular framework of the chest.
  3. Recovery ends with independent training and should be performed in continuous mode. They slow down the progression of osteochondrosis.

It is recommended that such patients choose sports disciplines so that they can develop muscular endurance and strength at the same time. Therefore, it is recommended that patients swim and race walking, which will allow you to produce an even load on all muscles. Daily exercise is optional-three sessions a week are sufficient.